
Duester, B. (forthcoming). Tomorrow on Cassette: Tape Jams in the New Media Age. New York: Bloomsbury.

Peer-Review Papers

Duester, B. (2023). Symbolic DIY Environmentalism: Between Sustainability Statements and Green Pressure. DIY, Alternative Cultures & Society, 1(2). (Open Access) DOI: 10.1177/27538702231164487

Duester, B. (2023). “There’s a Lot of Freedom You Can Have with That Kind of Thing” Vinyl and Cassette Split Releases in the Digital Age. Media, Culture & Society, 45(7). (Open Access) DOI: 10.1177/01634437231179347

Duester, B. and Bennett, A. (2023). How does Materiality ‘bite back’? Cassette Tapes in local, translocal and virtual Music Scenes. Journal of Consumer Culture, 3(4). DOI: 10.1177/14695405221149095

Book Chapters

Duester, B. (2023). Outsiders in Outsider Cities? Expatriates in the DIY Music Scenes of Nagoya and Fukuoka. In: A. Bennett, D. Cashman, B. Green and N. Lewandoski (Eds.) Popular Music Scenes – A regional and rural perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Düster, B. (2020). Obsolete Technology? The Significance of the Cassette Format in 21st Century Japan. In T. Tófalvy & E. Barna (Eds.), From Cassettes to Stream: Essays on the Relationship between Technology, Popular Music Scenes and the Changing Media Ecosystem. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Düster, B. and Nowak, R. (2019). Cassette Cultures in Berlin. Resurgence, DIY Freedom or Sellout? In A. Bennett & P. Guerra (Eds.), DIY Cultures and Underground Music Scenes. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.

Gálvez, J. and Düster, B. (2017). “So schlecht, dass es wieder gut ist“ − Trash-Musik und die Frage nach Professionalität im Internetzeitalter (‘So bad that it’s good again’ − Trash music and the question of professionalism in the Internet age). In K. Holsträter & M. Fischer (Eds.), Lied und populäre Kultur, Vol 62. Münster: Waxmann.


Mitchell, D. (2020). Budo Taijutsu: An Illustrated Reference Guide of Bujinkan Dojo Budo Taijutsu. Brisbane: Budo Dokokai.

Media Articles

Duester, B. (2023). Rewinding the Times – Audio Cassettes are back! In Griffith University (Ed.), Enlighten. Available at:

Düster, B. (2017). #Tapeporn – Some Thoughts on Doing Cassettes… and that Netflix Series everyone talks about. In L. Weber, M. Kobel & A. Dzialocha (Eds.), BLATT 3000, Vol 8. Berlin.


Duester, B. (2023). [Review of the book DIY House Shows and Music Venues in the US. Ethnographic Explorations of Place and Community, by D. Verbuč]. Popular Music.